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SNR expliqué par Guru Dev Singh:
We have developed Sat Nam Rasayan from being a technique that was transmitted in a very strange way to having produced a structure with which to teach it.  To do this we reversed the situation a little bit by using a very simple teaching technique.  We found out where the consciousness of the person was and taught Sat Nam Rasayan starting from that position.  It was not taught from where the teacher was, because normal consciousness and the consciousness of Sat Nam Rasayan are so far apart that it would have been impossible for you to reach your current state if we had tried to start where we are now.  What is happening now with Sat Nam Rasayan students is that you see reality as a process that is happening on you. Sat Nam Rasayan gives you the state of consciousness that allows you to relate through the process in you.  The source of everything is the god in you.  You move your consciousness and you hold that state of contemplation that allows you to perceive the universe through the process that is happening on you.  Is this clear?  That state of awareness is a very high state of awareness.  I don’t really want to say that, because in the highest state there is absolutely no differentiation from anything, you are incorporated into “no time/no space”.  But we don’t want to arrive there until you “drop the dresses”.
It happened that Guru Nanak proposed this specific state of consciousness that we are looking for, and in a special way Guru Ram Das manifested it.  But then, when everybody was smiling, Guru Gobind Singh came and produced the big stuff.  This is because, within the philosophy of these very great meditative people, he put a little nail between the nails.  There were two concepts:  if everything is perfect you have no need to act and, if there is suffering you need to do something.  His idea was that, either way, you must take responsibility for what is going on, no matter what.  You must recognize that the universe is already perfect, but you must also take responsibility.  And that responsibility is manifested through compassion, and compassion rules the actions. So, Sat Nam Rasayan is within this framework.  When you go deeply into the state of Sat Nam Rasayan, everything appears perfect.  Suffering itself is perfect.  Then you have two choices:  you keep contemplating on how somebody is agonized by a toothache or you take an action, and that action comes from the state of compassion.  Then, what you manifest in you is the release of the condition that holds the tendency that is producing the pain.  With this action the person is given a little opportunity to be aware and to not be distracted by pain.  And that is Sat Nam Rasayan.  
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